Zimbabwean Proverbs


Culture of Zimbabwe

1. Mwana washe muranda kumwe. Translation (A king's child is a servant in foreign lands)

Be humble! You might be valued in your local community and having a high status but in another community people will disregard you let alone think highly of you. 

2. Zvikoni Zvikoni mimba haibvi negosoro. Translation (What is impossible is impossible, you can not remove pregnancy by coughing)

Some problems cannot be wished away. They must be confronted.

3. Zviro zviedzwa chembere yekwaChivi yakabika mabwe ikaseva muto. Translation (You should try things, a grandmother from Chivi cooked stones and got soup)

It means you should try! Even some things which seem weird might bring you much needed results.

4. Zano ndega akasiya jira kumasese. 

This one mean that a person who always do things alone without taking advice will always get in trouble.

5. Yadeuka Yadeuka mvura yemuguchu ikanwira muvhu haihorerwi. Translation (The water have already been spilled (from a container into sand) you can not reclaim it)

We should not bother or blame about something bad that have already happen if we cannot reverse it

6. Ukpedza nyota kuenda padziva. Translation (To quench thirst is to go to the pool.)

If you want information go to an expert or an eyewitness.

7. Charovedzera charovedzera; gudo rakakwira mawere kwasviba. Translation (One who is used to something is one who is used to something; the baboon climbed the precipice in the dark)

We do easily that to which we are accustomed

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