Tanzanian Proverbs


1. Haraka haraka haina baraka. literally (Hurry hurry has no blessings)

There are blessings in being patient. Don't rush things; do them well

2. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu. literally (He who does not hear of the prince breaks his leg.)

3. A sheep cannot bleat in two different places at the same time

One cannot be in two places at the same time. 

4. Moyo wa kupenda hauna subira. literally (A heart deep in love has no patience)

Love often makes people blind to reality.

5. Penye nia ipo njia. literally (Where there’s a will there’s a way)

People who persevere eventually succeed

6. Even the night has ears.

Always be careful of what you say, because you never know who is listening.

7. Everything has an end. 

Problems don't last. They will eventually come to an end. 

8. Mwenye pupa hadiriki kula tamu. literally (A hasty person misses the sweet things)

There is no blessing in rushing things.

9. Heri kujikwa kidole kuliko ulimi. literally (It is better to stumble with one's toe than with ones tongue)

Becareful of what you say. It can make or unmake you.

10. We start as fools and become wise through experience. 

One becomes wise through experience.

11. The roaring lion kills no game. 

Noise making doesn't get work done. Action does

12. Little by little, a little becomes a lot. 

Great things are achieved through the accumulation of small efforts.

13.  Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper. 

There is strength in unity

14.   Do not mend your neighbor’s fence before looking to your own.

Do not criticize others, when you yourself haven't resolved your inadequacies. 

15. Debe tupu haliachi kuvuma. literally (Empty pots make the most noise.)

Those who have nothing to offer are often the first to be heard.

16. Jina jema hungara gizani. literally (A good name shines in the dark)

It is always better to strive for a good reputation.

17. Kupoteya njia ndiyo kujua njia. literally (To get lost is to learn the way)

One learns by doing. Mistakes will be made but they will help us to become better people

18. Lipitalo, hupishwa. literally (Things don't happen by accident)

Coincidences are very rare

19. Kuuliza si ujinga. literally (Asking is not stupidity)

It is better to ask and get your problem solved than to keep quiet.

20. Nyumba nzuri si mlango, fungua uingie ndani. literally (A good house is not its door; open and go inside)

Appearances can be deceptive. Don't rely only on the outward appearance. Probe!

21. Pilipili usozila zakuwashiani? literally (How can you be burned by a hot pepper you haven’t eaten?)

Mind your own business.

22. Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu. literally (The one who is not schooled by their mother will be schooled by the world)

If children don't learn good manners from their parents, they will be rejected by society.

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